For those new to this exciting sport, it is important to understand that golf shoes are necessary for good play. It is true you can play in sneakers but your chances of hitting a good, solid shot will be greatly diminished. The reason is loss of footing. Stable footing, meaning no slipping on the grass, is crucial to making good shots. Even a little bit of slipping will throw your swing off, and result in a poorly hit shot.
Golf shoes have undergone many changes in the last few years. In the past, nearly all shoes had metal spikes on the soles for better traction and footing. You can still find metal spiked shoes but you may have to look harder for them. Also, you should keep in mind that many golf courses now do not allow metal spikes to be worn as they cause damage to the grass, greens, and clubhouse floors.
Modern golf shoes use rubber or plastic nubs instead of metal spikes. These nubs offer the wearer more comfort and work nearly as well as the spikes do for solid footing. When buying your new shoes, look for those that have evenly spaced nubs on both the heel and the ball of the sole. Also, look for models that allow for easy replacement of the nubs, as they do wear out over time.
Most players prefer shoes that have a quality lining and padding inside. This is especially important if you decide to walk the course rather than ride in a cart. Any shoes you purchase must have enough padding on the inside to keep your feet protected and comfortable.
It is also important to buy shoes that are both waterproof and breathable. Wetness, either from dew or rain, is common a course and wet, soggy shoes will make you feel miserable. However, it is also important to make sure that they allow some air inside to help keep your feet dry.
When you buy your new shoes try to get a pair that feels snug but not tight. It is important to avoid shoes that press down on certain areas of the foot too hard. This can result in blisters and it can be painful when walking around the golf course.
Women and children now have access to their own golf shoes, and it is important that women and kids shop within their own categories. A woman's foot is usually not proportioned the same as a man's. Children and young adults will also need special fitting shoes which can be found very easily online.
You can find shoes today to fit any style, personality, and budget. Online vendors are a great place to shop as they often offer very good deals on all types of golf shoes.
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