After the above considerations which one way or the other can affect your game play then you can now start looking at other options such as how trendy the shoe looks, the color combination on the material of the shoe and all such things. But first, let's take a look at the two major options that females have when choosing golf footwear, should they go for the ones that have spikes or should they go for the ones that are spike-less?
A spiked golf shoe helps the golfer to maintain traction most especially when the golfer is playing in a slippery wet course; it prevents slipping while attempting to hit the golf ball. You would agree with me that no golfer would want to mis-hit because of slipping after having carefully measured the swing, in order to exert the maximum energy from your golf club to the ball you have to maintain your traction and composure throughout the swing. Until recently, there were certain misgivings concerning the spiked shoes but with the invention of soft rubber spikes which provides as much traction as its former counterpart, the metal spikes, those misgivings have been effectively eradicated.
In the case of spike-less golf footwear, they are very effective and brilliant when used in a dry course but they become a nightmare for the golfer when used in a wet course. Anyway, golf shoe makers have recently started to produce spike-less shoes whose soles have deeper threads so as to offer improved traction compared with the former ones.
While looking for the right womens golf shoe to buy, ensure that you have first and foremost considered the two major options that you have before considering other factors.
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